I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson - Page 2
The Cauldron
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I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Jeu 16 Aoû 2018 - 4:04

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

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Bienvenue chère cousine et ex-belle sœur (ça en fait du blabla lol) quoi que j'étais pas encore marié à Mary mais seulement fiancée What a Face Wink

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Jeu 16 Aoû 2018 - 4:51
Petit chaudron de niveau 6
Sybil Branson
Sybil Branson

➢ Doublon autorisé : Non
➢ Lettres postées : 900
➢ Je remercie : Moi
➢ Avatar : Jessica Brown Findlay
➢ Localisation : Riverdale
➢ Métier : Infirmière
➢ Origines : Downton Abbey
➢ Chaudronisé le : 15/08/2018
➢ Pseudo : Paulinska
Trigger Warning : Perte d'un enfant ; Perte de proches.
Le profil "Westview" de Sybil Branson

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A passé le nouvel an 2024 sur le forum
Tu étais validé avant le 31 décembre 2023 !
Intrigue 03 - L'attaque du Joker
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Intrigue 8 - La Terre Principale
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Christmas '20
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Défi RP n°5 - 250 RP atteints
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Défi RP n°5 - Participant
Défi RP n°5 - 500 RPs Atteints
six ans sur le forum
900 messages postés
Merci cousin Smile

I know what it is to work now. To have a full day, to be tired in a good way. I don't want to start dress fittings or paying calls or standing behind the guns.

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Dim 19 Aoû 2018 - 13:26
The Cauldron
The Cauldron

➢ Doublon autorisé : Non
➢ Lettres postées : 3346
➢ Je remercie : Monocle
➢ Avatar : un chaudron.
➢ Âge du personnage : 12 000 000 000
➢ Localisation : Au dessus de ton épaule en train de vérifier ce que tu écris
➢ Métier : Chaudron.
➢ Origines : L'esprit machiavélique de Lyria.
➢ Chaudronisé le : 18/05/2017
➢ Pseudo : The Cauldron
Le profil "Westview" de The Cauldron

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Intrigue 04 - Percy Jackson
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Voilà, tout est dit. Bon jeu et n'oublie pas de passer dans le flood nous faire un coucou.

The Cauldron est un PNJ. Merci de ne pas lui envoyer de MP. Utilisez les boîtes à MP des membres du staff.

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Mer 7 Nov 2018 - 18:52

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue <3

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Mer 7 Nov 2018 - 19:58

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Bienvenue à nouveau parmi nous Very Happy

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Jeu 8 Nov 2018 - 4:06

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue :p

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Jeu 8 Nov 2018 - 10:52

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
re !!!

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Jeu 8 Nov 2018 - 13:48

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
(re)bienvenue parmi nous.

ce message est sponsorisé par les défis débiles de tatie blue.

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Ven 9 Nov 2018 - 13:22
Petit chaudron de niveau 12
Thomas Shelby
Thomas Shelby

➢ Doublon autorisé : Non
➢ Lettres postées : 2400
➢ Je remercie : Moi
➢ Avatar : Cillian Murphy
➢ Localisation : Birmingham 1929
➢ Métier : Député et chef d'entreprise
➢ Origines : Peaky Blinders
➢ Chaudronisé le : 29/10/2018
➢ Pseudo : Paulinska
Trigger Warning : Attentat ; Crime ; Exécution ; Torture ; Violence (victime et pratique) ; Stress post-traumatique (WWI) ; Fantomes ; Communication avec les morts ; Injures ; Groupuscule armé ; Prostitution ; Dépendance à l'alcool, au tabac et à certaines drogues.
Le profil "Westview" de Thomas Shelby

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A passé le nouvel an 2024 sur le forum
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Défi RP n°5 - Participant
Défi RP n°5 - 500 RPs Atteints
six ans sur le forum
Tu as posté 2400 messages !
Re Bienvenue par ici !

"I just put a bullet in his head....He looked at me the wrong way. It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way"

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Ven 9 Nov 2018 - 17:13
Player One
Lyria Black
Lyria Black

➢ Doublon autorisé : Non
➢ Lettres postées : 10801
➢ Je remercie : Gaia
➢ Avatar : harriet herbig-matten.
➢ Âge du personnage : 23 ans
➢ Localisation : Entre londres et NY
➢ Métier : Joueuse de Quidditch
➢ Origines : Harry Potter
➢ Chaudronisé le : 24/08/2017
➢ Pseudo : louha
Trigger Warning : possibles trigger warnings concernant l’ensemble de mes personnages : mort, sang, meurtres, violences physiques et mentales, dépression, piraterie, patricide, matricide, adultère, anxiété, combats, deuil, résurrection, kidnapping, sectes, racisme, piraterie, torture, jeux d’argent, guerres de gangs, blessures, viols, consommation d’alcool ou de drogues, crime, décès, dépression, deuil, manipulation, nudité, relation toxique, sexe, stress post-traumatique, sorcellerie, sciences occultes, vampirisme, magie noire, apocalypse, divorce, and more.
➢ Nom : Lyla Beranger
➢ Profession : Etudiante à Westview High, club de théatre
➢ âge : 18 ans
Le profil "Westview" de Lyria Black

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sept ans sur le forum
Adult Thumb
Funny Typo Gang
Halloween 2023
tu as participé aux animations d'Halloween '23
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Intrigue 9 - Les loups garous de Thiercelieux
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Intrigue 09 - Gagnants
Les gagnants de l'intrigue 9 sont les loups garous !
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Westview - Noël 2023
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Summer '19
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Christmas '20
tu as participé aux animations de Noël 2020
Défi RP'24 - Vainqueur
Défi RP n°5 - 500 RPs Atteints
Défi RP n°5 - 250 RP atteints
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Défi RP n°1
Défi Flood '17
Défi flood '18
Défi flood '19
Défi Flood '20
Défi Flood 5 - Participant
Dévi avatar - été 2024
Calendrier de l'Avent 2023
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Paques 2024 - Participant
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Paques 2024 - 21 images
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10 comptes sur le forum !
20 comptes sur le forum !
30 comptes sur le forum
Halloween 2024
Bienv'nue parmi nous.

Lyria"Lost in paradise" ❖

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Ven 9 Nov 2018 - 17:38

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Bienv'nue parmi nous.

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Sam 10 Nov 2018 - 17:10

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue ici ! I love you

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Sam 10 Nov 2018 - 17:21

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue ici ! I love you

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Sam 10 Nov 2018 - 18:37

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue ! I love you

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Dim 11 Nov 2018 - 3:27

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue :p

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

Dim 11 Nov 2018 - 4:46

Le profil "Westview" de Invité

Les badges de Invité
Rebienvenue !

I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson  - Page 2 Empty Re: I don't know why we bother with corsets. Men don't wear them, and they look perfectly normal in their clothes. | Sybil Branson

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