when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story - Page 2           
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when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story

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Bruce Wayne

Petit chaudron de niveau 7

Re: when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story
Dim 30 Juin 2019 - 13:40
Bienvenue Wink

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Re: when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story
Dim 30 Juin 2019 - 21:17
Bienvenue parmi nous Smile
bon courage pour ta fiche Wink

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Théo Baratto Sloan

Théo Baratto Sloan
Grand chaudron de niveau 4

Re: when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story
Dim 30 Juin 2019 - 21:35

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Re: when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story
Mar 2 Juil 2019 - 17:57
Bienvenue parmi nous

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Re: when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story
Mer 10 Juil 2019 - 21:05
délais expiré, j'archive.

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Re: when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story

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when we are young we are taught the difference between a hero and a villain but what if the only real difference is just who is telling the story

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